Is a Company’s Authenticity Important to you?
Or do we mistake corporate narcissism for an attractive healthy workplace of high self-esteemed coworkers?
Organisational behaviour, values, and culture significantly contribute to shaping a company’s authenticity. The attraction of a company filled with high self-esteemed vibrant, successful workers is self-evident and attracts diverse individuals drawn to its vibrancy and promise of financial success and career stardom. One example is investment banking. Ultimately, it’s the firms’ ‘people’ that help this ‘authenticity’ take shape. But, take a closer look: Is the authenticity you see “real’ and ‘felt’, or a mirage framing a hidden toxic environment?
There’s a difference between high self-esteemed, synergistic, ambitious, successful teammates and high self-esteemed self-gratifying, a tad obsessive, ”ends justify the means” colleagues. This article shared by an organizational behaviour mentor gives great insights.
First, Gen Z’s, 21–24 are entering the formal workforce during these turbulent times that demand greater accountability from businesses in delivering good governance and positive social impacts in the workplace and beyond. They’re manoeuvring through a maze of diminishing traditional employment options, transitioning and preparing for new digital, remote, and virtual structures while seeking guidance on the best paths to follow and thrive. Where do they start?
I have found that on a number of occasions, mentees, interns and youth entrepreneurs tell me in different ways why they’re desperate not to confine themselves or get drawn to a workplace setting that causes them to lose focus of their real and authentic selves in order to plump up company image and bottom line for few stakeholders among many. They have inspired me to voice these issues and explore further.
This preference among our youth is a very real dilemma, with adverse impacts on staff retention, quality of performance, etc., forcing companies to take a closer look at their hiring practices, promotion policies, sales and commission policies, toxic cultures and more hidden subcultures that are rarely tackled because they conveniently make money for the company at the expense and morale of more voiceless (youth) employees: it’s not that many fear or abhor hard work and long days slogging behind desks and abating angry customers, chasing sales and doing and saying anything to make the sale, or retain a client: While some really are trying to avoid working as hard and unrewarded as their parents do, many of our Gen-Z simply don’t want to lose sight of themselves, their dreams, passions and motivations that drive innovation and creativity.
Be the change.
Employee? Advisor? founder? or CEO? what can you as an individual do to drive internal changes within your business operating system towards more a responsible workplace environment. As an educator? Or as a customer? How can you influence improved environments for the staff that serve you? Please share any successes and lessons.
#career #leadership #communication #humanresources #personaldevelopment #business
#motivation #mindset #youth #narcissist
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